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Disability Advocacy

In the American Association of People with Disabilities Summer Internship Program, my class learned about difficulties the disability community faces and created social media posts to spread awareness and educate our followers on what we learned.

Below are graphics I made for four of the topics we discussed: how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) impacts me, education for people with disabilities, hiring people with disabilities, and what advocacy means to me.
A white and red graphic that reads "Because of the ADA...I can be true eto myself and share my disability without fear of rejection"
A graphic with the following statistics: About 150 million children have disabilities, They are 10x less likely to go to school than other children and are 3x more likely to drop out, 57% leave because they disliked school and had poor relationships with their teachers and peers, Students with disabilities enroll in 4-year schools at 1/2 the rate of the general population, And only 41% complete their degrees
Blue graphic that reads "WHY YOU SHOULD HIRE PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: Diverse Perspectives, Skillful Employees, Retention Rates, Better Representation, and Awesome People with Disabilities
Purple graphic that lists what Advocacy means to me: Voice, Passion, Cause, Battle, Determination, Purpose
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