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SOcial Advocacy
I didn't know much about what I wanted to do with my life when I came to college. I only knew I wanted to use my luck and privilege to help people who can't help themselves.
Through a few internships and personal projects, I've advocated for causes I'm passionate about. They all included making graphics and copy I posted on social media.
Disability Advocacy
Last year, I participated in the American Association for People with Disabilities Summer Internship Program. Due to COVID-19, the internship was all virtual. Even though it was online, I still had the opportunity to learn more about what advocacy is to me and how to effectively use it to help others.

June is pride month, so I decided to use social media to share some information on the LGBTQIA+ community and its history.
Other than sharing posts created by other organizations, I made graphics discussing prominent misconceptions, providing resources, and retelling the background behind pride month.

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