User Experience
I begin my user experience (UX) process by meeting with my client and discussing their project. I focus on definition and research. The client and I need to define the goals and purpose of their site. We need to research who will be coming to their site and what they expect to find. This information dictates how/if we move forward in the project.
#1 - Introductory Meeting
Information Architecture (IA) is the process of organizing website content into a structure that is easy the navigate and universally intuitive. I ask my clients for all content they want on their site. I narrow down that content and provide them with a structure I believe includes everything essential to the site and its goals. I often provide multiple choices.
#2 - Information Architecture
Putting the IA into action, I create wireframes, or skeleton outlines, for the entire site and present them to the client. I like to give three options to avoid excessive back and forth.
For my wireframes, I typically enjoy drawing them out on a sketch pad or a white board, but I also use programs such as Figma, Sketch, InVision Studio, and Justinmind.
#3 - Wireframes
After approving a wireframe, I create a full mockup that integrates brand identity, design assets, and all content intended to appear on the site.
An initial mockup sparks a series of back-and-forth edits between my client and I. This process continues as long as it takes for the client to be satisfied.
#4 - Mockups and Edits
Even after a client is satisfied with their site, I still comb through every page carefully to look for errors. This involves clicking on every link, filling out SEO details, renaming files, and more.
Quality Assurance is best when done by multiple people. I invite the client and any other trusted parties to review the site so we catch as many fixes as possible before launch.
#5 - Quality Assurance
The final phase of my user experience process begins when the site launches. A good website is never complete. Missed mistakes are bound to arise and it's best to actively confront them instead of passively letting them build on each other.
I monitor data analytics, audience impressions, and qualitative feedback as the site is live to make necessary adjustments.
#6 - Launch, Monitor, Adjust
Below is a series of UX preparations, IA brainstorms, and wireframes from projects you can see under the website title on my design page. The sketches on my iPad are pretty rough because I don't have a nice stylus to draw with (yet). When I show clients my wireframes, they are always digitized using a program like Figma or Justinmind, but I like to draw things by hand to get my thoughts together.
Enjoy the organized chaos.